Children's Day | 14th Nov | Wishes | Wallpapers | Images | Photography

Children's Day is celebrated to honor childhood and is celebrated on 14th November in India, the date which marks the birth anniversary of independent India's first Prime Minister Pandit Jawaharlal Nehru. Children’s Day Wish Messages Children are the future Nurture them right, so that they grow up to be able leaders. And lead the world towards light. Happy Children's Day Children's day WhatsApp Messages Childhood means Fun unlimited... Bounteous shower... Of love and care... Realm of imagination... Joy of growing up... Happy Children's Day! Happy Children's Day Wishes Childhood means Fun unlimited... Bounteous shower... Of love and care... Realm of imagination... Joy of growing up... Happy Children's Day! 14th November Wishing Quotes Childhood is An enchanting vista An endless fun A joyful classroom An experience An era of imagination An artistic journey An ode ...