Why celebrate a New Year?

Why celebrate a New Year? New Year is the occasion where a new calendar year begins and the calendar year grows by one. The ancient Mesopotamians celebrated 12-day-long festival of Akitu on the New Year during the vernal equinox, whereas the Greeks celebrated New Year around winter solstice, on Dec. 20. The Egyptians celebrated another lap around the sun on July 20. In the Roman era, March marked the beginning of the calendar. However, in 46 B.C., Julius Caesar created his own calendar - the Julian calendar, which set the New Year as January 1 st which is celebrated even today. Happy New Year 2018 | Wallpapers | Wishes | Greetings How do people celebrate a New Year? In New York , you should not miss to make your presence at Times Square where a ball drop occurs from Times Square Ball at 11:59:00 PM which hits the ground exactly at 12:00:00 AM. This is complemented by live performance, music and entertainment. Chile – In Chile, people eat a spoon of lentils at mi...