Diwali | Indian Festival | Festival of Lights

Diwali is celebrated throughout the country by sharing and caring for near and dear ones distributing sweets, wearing new clothes and driving away the darkness by lighting up the oil lamps prominently known as Diyas or Deepak! This Diwali drive away the fear, stay strong and bold, help the needy, kill all the negative traits like ego, hatred, revenge, impolite, greed, jealousy, misery, sarcasm, untrustworthy by sharing love and care whomsoever you think about or meet! More widely known as the festival of lights and happiness, this is a unifying festival bringing cultures, sects, traditions and religions together. Diwali also pays tribute to Lakshmi, the goddess of wealth, and lanterns are lit to guide her into people's homes. Celebrate this Diwali by sending wishes via Diwali Greetings Cards, Diwali messages and Diwali Quotes to loved ones. Diwali greeting cards and Diwali messages and Diwali quotes which you can share with our friends and family. When is Diwali...